NAME:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Grade:
Assignment Specific Criteria
I applied all concepts,  especially those stressed for the projectCreated 100% of art as required by assignment
Art strongly represent concepts in  assignment |
I made an effort to apply  most of the skills and concepts for the projectCreated 75% of art as required by assignment
Art mostly represent concepts in assignment |
I applied only some of  the skills and concepts expected for the projectCreated 50% of image as required by  assignment
Art slightly represent concepts in assignment |
I applied only a few of the expected skills or concepts for the  projectCreated 30% of image as required by assignment
Art barely represent concepts in assignment |
I do not apply the  expected skills or concepts for the projectDid not create and image for the  assignment.
Art does not represent concepts in  assignment |
Composition & Design
I planned carefully,  showed an awareness of the elements and principles of design; chose a color  scheme carefully, used space effectively | I applied the principles  of design and used one or more elements effectively; showed an awareness of  using space effectively | I did the assignment  adequately, but it shows lack of planning | I completed the  project, but it shows little evidence of any understanding of the elements  and principles; no evidence of planning | No use of Principles and Elements of art  and design |
Originality & Experimentation
I thought of many ideas, Â tried unusual combinations, made connections to previous knowledge, Â demonstrated outstanding problem solving skillsI strongly expressed myself through my art
My art is powerful and cause a strong emotional or intellectual response from  the viewer. I took extensive time and made a lot of effort to  plan and execute the best art possible. I pushed myself way past the easiest visual solution. |
I thought of a few ideas,  or based my work on someone else’s idea, made decisions, solved the problem  in a logical way.I mostly expressed myself through my art
My art is strong and cause some emotional or intellectual response from the  viewer. I took some time and made some effort to  plan and execute good art. I pushed myself past the easiest visual solution. |
I thought of one idea and  carried it out adequately, but it lacked originality, substituted “symbols† instead of original thought, might have copied someone else’s work.I only somewhat expressed myself  through my art
My art causes minimal emotional or intellectual response from the viewer. I took very little time and hardly made an effort to plan and execute my art. Â I Choose the easiest visual solution. |
I finished the  assignment, but gave no evidence of trying anything unusual or unique.I barely expressed myself through my art
I rushed through assignment and  did not make an effort to plan and execute my art. My visual solution shows little or no thought |
I did not finish the assignment and did not  try anything unique.
Never expressed yourself through your  images My art  lacks imagination and do not  provoke a emotional / intellectual response —
Craftsmanship & Technique
My artwork was beautifully and patiently done; it was as good as hard  work could make it | With a little more  effort, my work could have been outstanding; lacks the finishing touches | My artwork was of average  craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as it could have been, a bit  careless | My project was  below average in craftsmanship, showed lack of pride in finished project. | My project is very sloppy and carelessly done |
Work Ethic Rubric (6th)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Assignment __________
NAME:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Grade:
Use of Materials | I used materials  appropriately with no reminders | I needed some  reminding on proper material use | I needed a lot  of reminding on proper material use | I used materials  and tools used inappropriately and foolishly |
Behavior | I always follow  all classroom rules and never cause a classroom disturbance | I usually follow  some classroom rules and occasionally cause a classroom disturbance | I very rarely  follow classroom rules, and sometimes cause a classroom disturbance | I usually do not  follow classroom rules and frequently cause classroom disturbance |
Effort /  Perseverance | The project was  continued until it was as complete as I could make it, I gave effort far  beyond that required, I took pride in going well beyond the requirement. | I worked hard to  complete the project, but with a little more effort it might have been  outstanding. | I finished the  project, but it could have been improved with more effort; I knew how to do  the project but I didn’t finish; or I chose an easy project and worked  carelessly | I completed the  project with minimum effort. |
Participation in  Discussion and Critique | I participate in  class and use time well | I usually  participate in class and use time well | I sometimes  participate in class and use time well | I do not  participate in class and use time well |
Group  Cooperation / Attitude | I was sensitive  to the feelings of others, followed all classroom rules and willingly  participated in class discussions | I am usually  sensitive to the feelings of others, I usually follow all classroom rules and  very rarely causes a classroom disturbance and participate in class | I sometimes am  sensitive to others, usually follows some of the classroom rules and  occasionally cause a disturbance and sometimes participate in class  discussions | I  was insensitive to othersand  disregarded their feelings,
or  actually physically or  emotionally hurt another  student. I often cause class disturbances. |
Rubric in part adapted from
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