Photography Classes @ MERHS


Workflow for Photo 3/IS


There are 3 main parts of the Photo 3/Portfolio class

                -Weekly photo assignments

                -2 Weekly blog posts
                                -posting your weekly photo assignments with a written reflection on the blog
                                -posting a weekly inspiration/response/tutorial review on the blog based on that weeks assignment

                -Online blog comments and in class critiques



Workflow for weekly photography assignments

1)      First upload your images from your memory card to your “locker folder” using the Bridge uploader. Make sure you use the “custom name” feature to put them into a sub folder and rename the files with your first name first and then the topic or date of the images

2)      Open any images you want to turn-in in Photoshop. Edit them however you want.

3)      Click FILE>SAVE AS and turn them in to the turn-in folder on the Y drive

4)      Then you should run the class Photo 3 action on the images to shrink them down to the small size we need them to be for the blog

5)      Click FILE>SAVE AS and save them in your locker folder as .jpg files, and it is a good idea to add “blog” to the file name

6)      The images are now ready to upload into your blog posts



Things to remember for Blog Posts

1)      Please do not write your last names anywhere on your blog posts

2)      For 2 or more images, upload the images and then click on “insert gallery” to put them in the psot as a slideshow

3)      Categories: make sure you always choose your level (photo 3 or portfolio) and what type of post it is (Photographs, Inspiration, Response, or Tutorial). You really only need to click 2 boxes

4)      If you want a specific image to be the one that shows up on the front page, go into the image area and click “use as featured image” for that photo

5)      You can add captions to specific photos if you want. Just click on “show” in the media uploader in wordpress and an area for captions will come up.


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