Photography Classes @ MERHS

You the artist

You the Artist Project Proposal  – print out and fill out

first look at this link:

Name ________________________

My strengths in photography are:

My weaknesses in photography are:

I would like to challenge myself in photography by:

Proposed Project

Theme/Idea you have for the project:

Overall Goals for the project:

Steps for the project (what must be done to prepare for this project):

  • Location where you will have to go
  • Props, objects, clothing, equipment, people, things, that you will have to bring with you
  • Time of day and/or lighting conditions
  • Any other information that may apply to your specific project

Describe in detail the visual style of the photographs you plan to create:

Research for the project (what types of web sites or books/magazines will you go to to research your topic):

Artistic inspiration for the project (look at the links for the online galleries on the Photo 1 page. What artist has the thematic or visual style that you are interested in creating):

Other inspiration for the project (music, movies, etc):

What is going to be the hardest thing for you to do for this project? What will be your biggest difficulty in creating truly great photos?

Some things you should be graded on specifically for this project:


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