Photography Classes @ MERHS


By on 02/01/2011

<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-91" Das Novoline online casino spiele 'Book of Ra' dreht sich um einen Forscher, der von der Existenz des alten und einflussreichen 'Book Of Ra' (fiktional) wei?, welches imstande ist, gro?e Vermogen an den Besitzer des Buches zu verschenken. src=”×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”225″ height=”300″ />

Some photo’s i take a really long time setting up like the ones with the pennies and the ones with people in them the one with the crab was random since it ws during the one i shot of anny. The shells i also took alot of time setting up i like to plan if i want it to look balanced or unbalanced

Posted in: Inspiration, Photo 3
  1. mav


  2. Elizabeth

    i really like all these pictures. I like how each of these pictures have their own feeling and use of different techniques. I also like how each of these photos good spacial qualities.