Photography Classes @ MERHS

Pet Photography Pt. 2

By on 03/20/2015


This week I decided to photograph my other cat and rabbit. The shot of Minnie was complete chance. She is always running around the house or right on top of me. So it’s harder to get photographs of her. So having her stay still long enough for me to focus and shot was amazing. Originally it was a little longer but I cropped it to make it look a little more centered. I love how she looks in this photograph because I got her looking right at me. I did have a little trouble making her fur look like the white it is. This is because I brought up the saturation o I really had to play with it to make it loo right.

sirus small

You may thing photography and rabbit may be easy. WRONG! They like to explore. The easiest way to get them to be a little still is to pick them up and move them. Once they can’t feel solid ground under them they become very still. Sirus, that’s my rabbit’s name, is defiantly a move about rabbit. As soon as he’s not in someone’s arms he want to explore EVERYTHING. He loves soft things so I brought him up to my room. I personally love this photo because it brings a little of myself into it with the camera cap.I love the little sun flare that I got in the photo as well. It was an accident but defiantly worth t.