Photography Classes @ MERHS

Viewing: Q2 WEEK 2 – NOV 17-21

Weekly Extra

By on 03/20/2015

Last week, my photos depicted a face that was scratched out and distorted. With these images, my goal was to show the thin line between beauty and deformity. I want my photos to prove how easy it is to cross said

Weekly Extra

By on 01/16/2015

I decided to write my weekly extra on these pictures because for the past quarter, I have been focusing my work on dance and movement. These photos use white dust and a female dancer to create intriguing poses and shapes.

Weekly Extra – Mirrors

By on 11/20/2014

After searching for a new idea for a project, I came across the idea of using mirrors in my photography. Since I typically spend an excessive amount of time on tumblr and pinterest, I was able to find a variety

Inspiration for my own project

By on 11/19/2014

This week we have to hand in a photo inspired from our own project. I have decided that I am taking portraits of people. I hope to stage these photos in a certain way that the photo contains mystery and

Fall 2014 quarter 2 weekly extra dates

By on 11/13/2014

Nov 10-14 Nov 17-21 Dec 1-5 Dec 8-12 Dec 15-19 Jan 5-9 Jan 12-16   You will type your weekly extras as a journal entry on this site, and then choose the appropriate Week category. If you need to insert