Photography Classes @ MERHS

Week 6: March 30-April 3: Libby Dulski

By on 03/31/2015

Last week I went against everything that I have been photographing for the last four weeks. Last week I turned in a photo of my brother. To be honest, I got bored of taking pictures of myself and wanted to capture something about someone else. The weather for this photograph was perfect; it was raining out and was one of the first warmer days of this year. I decided to put my brother in the middle of the frame and make him put his arms out as if he were embracing the weather.

This photo shows that my brother welcomes the change in weather and this photo captures his happiness. I also decided to layer the photograph so that it gave the allusion that my brother is floating. This also emphasizes that he is embracing the new weather and is ready for spring and a fresh start.

If I could change anything about the photograph, I would probably retake the photograph so that there would be less noise. I couldn’t get the shutter speed or aperture to the right setting that created no noise.