Photography Classes @ MERHS

Amazing Places

By on 04/30/2014

This link goes to an article that consists of40 breathtaking pictures in beautiful places. I loved going through this and seeing all of these incredible photos. After looking at all of these I want to go visit it them myself. I liked how the article was formatted and it was easy to scroll through each pictures. My two favorite pictures would be number two which is in Ganu China, and number eight which is in Cambodia. I really like the one in China because it is of a landform in China made up of many colors. I never knew there was a landscape like this, and I think it might not be real. I really like the photo in Cambodia where there is a large tree that has grown on top of a building. It seems like the building is in the middle of the forest and I think it would be amazing to see this in person. All of these photos make my desire to travel around the world even larger than it was before, and maybe I’ll be able to see one of these places in person.

Posted in: Photo 3