Photography Classes @ MERHS

Q3: WEEK 4 = MARCH 16-20

By on 03/20/2015

phebebiggar_1075  phebebiggar_1081


For this week’s photographs, I decided to go away from taking pictures of objects I found inside my house to going outside to experiment with objects. While keeping the “beautiful” aspect in mind,  I chose to take my photographs of the fence in my backyard and a stick I found on a snowbank. It took me a little while to explore around to find objects that would be interesting/captivating to photograph. I think both of these photographs are different but interesting. They both create some what of an illusion because by flipping themselves on each other causes them to interact. But there is definitely room for improvement. Moving forward, I think I will continue to explore and experiment with more outside objects while still creating photographs that have the “beautiful” aspect.