Photography Classes @ MERHS

Posts By: Sam K

Sam K

Samantha Kane Weekly Extra 3

By on 05/07/2014 These photographs are taken by an English photographer Sharon Johnstone. She uses her macro lens to photograph what dandelions look like up close with dew. One thing that I really like about these photographs is how they are in shallow

Samantha Kane weekly extra 2

By on 05/05/2014

These photographs taken by Andres Figueroa inspire me to think of how viewers interpret pictures. For example, the first photograph makes the viewer’s eyes move vertically in the photograph. I never really paid attention to how lines can strengthen the

Samantha Kane weekly extra 1

By on 04/29/2014

These photographs by Adam Plucinski inspire me to continue taking pictures and changing them to black and white. I really enjoy black and white photos because they convey a different message.  The first photo (the flower) inspires me to think of