Photography Classes @ MERHS

Viewing: Inspiration


By on 02/08/2011

I”m usually inspired by the things in nature. I don”t tend to set things up for a photo I”d rather just find something


By on 02/03/2011

All of the pictures I take for my assignments are ones that I have taken the time to think about and set up. My inspiration comes from past experiences as well things that peak my interest. I mostly always photograph


By on 02/01/2011

<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-91" Das Novoline online casino spiele 'Book of Ra' dreht sich um einen Forscher, der von der Existenz des alten und einflussreichen 'Book Of Ra' (fiktional) wei?, welches imstande ist, gro?e Vermogen an den Besitzer des Buches

Oldies but Goodies

By on 02/01/2011

These are some of my old photos from photo three. They are from a project entitled “Looking Through.” I started by taking photos through objects, such as the fence and the net, but then began involving people. I wanted to