Photography Classes @ MERHS

Viewing: Photographs

I hate the cold

By on 02/14/2013

when it started to snow, i knew at once what i wanted to shoot for the things I hate to photograph. though I don’t really hate photographing snow, i just hate it so much in general that i picked it for my topic.

Things I hate to photograph

By on 02/14/2013

When I heard the topic for this weeks photos I went through the different kinds of photos I could take (ie: portraits, landscapes, macro, black and white, shallow depth of feild, ect.) and  since there arn’t many photos I absalutely

Through a childs eyes

By on 03/30/2012

We just started a project of whatever we want to do.  For my project I decided that I wanted to take pictures of the little girl that I babysit, and show the world the way she see’s it.  I want


By on 03/22/2012

This week for pictures we had to take to pictures and overlay them on top of each other.  When I was babysitting I decided to take pictures of the little girl I was looking after. She was so happy to

Overlay Photos

By on 03/22/2012


my week

By on 03/09/2012

This week I am still getting over an concussion and still get dizzy every once and  a while.  This photo is about how everything is still not in focus and how I am still recovering.


By on 03/05/2012


Feb Break

By on 02/29/2012


By on 02/28/2012

I took these pictures of my sister in my backyard because I really wanted to do a photoshoot using flour! I had no idea how the pictures would turn out. I was surprised that the flour showed up that much

Anything and Everything

By on 02/17/2012

This week we got to take photos of anything that we want.  I love to take pictuers of nature and landscapes so I went down to the beach and was looking for and shells to take pictuers of.