Photography Classes @ MERHS

Adventure Shoot

By on 10/03/2014

I went on a drive with my dad this weekend and I had my camera with me the entire time. We first went to Pebble Beach in Rockport. There were many good macro moments looking from the pebbles up to the sky. I also took an amazing shot of my dad’s foot. After Pebble Beach we went to a well known hutch that is covered in buoys and paddles. I took a few interesting shots in macro and a few shots without. It was a fun shoot as I got the lighting at a good time. On my arrival home we found a dragonfly on one of our dead plants. I quickly took out my camera and started shooting it. I was able to get incredibly close so I took a few macro shots of it. After the day of photos I had a very good collection of photos for this week.