Photography Classes @ MERHS

Posts By: Emily M

Emily M

Photographer and Self Portraits

By on 05/07/2014 This article contains  self portraits of a 20 year old photographer named Rachel Baran. Her photos are all different and equally interesting. I like how different the photos are but none of them are normal looking self portraits but they

20 Historic Photos Turned into Color

By on 05/06/2014   I really liked this article because it is of 20 photos originally in black and white turned into color. I liked being able to see what each photo would like if back then photos had color in them.

Amazing Places

By on 04/30/2014 This link goes to an article that consists of40 breathtaking pictures in beautiful places. I loved going through this and seeing all of these incredible photos. After looking at all of these I want to go visit it them